Is it possible to over-celebrate achievements?

By Wiveka Göransson, founder of Curious Creator

Celebrating milestones is crucial to reflect on what we’ve achieved, to be proud of and recognise our accomplishments. Taking the time to reflect, celebrate, and savour the joy ensures we don’t just rush into the next task. This reflection creates momentum for what we can achieve next, bringing joy and a sense of fulfillments. It reminds us of what we are capable of, I can do it, it was possible – so, what can we achieve next? It’s also a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with those who contributed along the way, to cherish their support, show gratitude, and say thank you. But, can we overdo it? Is it possible to celebrate an achievement too much?

Simply be curious book launch

The importance of celebrating milestones

  1. Boosting motivation and morale: Celebrating milestones boosts motivation and morale. Recognising accomplishments gives us a sense of progress and achievement, fuelling our drive to continue working towards our goals. This recognition is incredibly motivating, reminding us that our efforts are making a difference.
  2. Reinforcing positive behaviours: Celebrating achievements reinforces the positive behaviours and strategies that led to success. This reinforcement helps establish and strengthen good habits, making it more likely that we will repeat these behaviours in the future.
  3. Building community and connection: Celebrations bring people together, fostering a sense of community and connection. Whether it’s a small team celebration or a larger event, sharing achievements with others helps build stronger relationships and a supportive network.
  4. Encouraging reflection and learning: Celebrating milestones provides an opportunity to reflect on what we’ve learned along the way. It allows us to assess what worked well and what could be improved.
  5. Rekindling energy: Taking the time to celebrate allows us to recharge and renew our energy. This renewed energy helps us tackle the next milestone with enthusiasm.

Is over-celebrating a risk?

While celebrating achievements is undoubtedly beneficial, it’s important to consider whether there is a point where it becomes excessive. Over-celebrating can potentially lead to complacency, where the joy of the moment overshadows the drive to pursue new goals. It can also create unrealistic expectations for constant rewards, diminishing the motivation to achieve for the sake of personal growth and fulfillments.

The key is to find a balance. Celebrate your achievements, but also stay mindful of your long-term goals. Use celebrations as a moment to pause, reflect, and recharge, rather than a reason to halt progress. Recognise when it’s time to move forward and channel the positive energy from your celebrations into your next endeavours.

Now in general, I don’t think there is a great risk with us over-celebrating things, so go ahead and go all in without feeling restricted by “Jantelagen”. Jantelagen is a Scandinavian cultural concept that discourages individuals from standing out or boasting about their achievements. It’s time to break free from this mindset and fully embrace and celebrate our successes.

What are you ready to celebrate?

What achievements are you proud of that deserve recognition? Whether they’re small or big, every accomplishment matters. Celebrations don’t have to be grand gatherings; they can be as simple as indulging in something you love or treating yourself to a well-deserved reward.

My personal celebration

One of my recent personal milestones that I’m excited to celebrate is the launch of my book, “Simply be curious.” This journey has been filled with its own set of challenges, doubts, and triumphs, and I feel it’s worth taking the time to acknowledge and celebrate this achievement before I jump on to the next endeavour.

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