The journey of writing the book “Simply be curious” – reflections and learnings

By Wiveka Göransson, founder of Curious Creator

Writing a book has been an interesting journey, filled with both challenges and triumphs. I started this journey with a clear “why” – a deep passion for capturing my thoughts and learnings in a tangible form. This book was a gift from me to myself, a way to consolidate everything I’ve discovered about the importance of curiosity and creativity. It was about challenging myself to create something meaningful and cohesive from my myriad ideas – making sense of it all. The highest and ultimate priority was to make the book true to me; anything beyond that, such as being well received by the audience, was seen as a bonus.

Neglect self-doubt

The idea to write a book came about a year ago. Initially, I was enthusiastic, but as time went on, I faced numerous hurdles. Structuring the chapters and maintaining a consistent narrative thread was particularly tough. There were countless moments of self-doubt – questioning if my work was good enough, if it provided anything new, if it had any value, and if it was worth the effort.

Stick with it

One of the most significant lessons I learned is the power of perseverance. There were days when I wanted to abandon the quest entirely. However, part of my challenge was to just stick with it, to see it through despite the obstacles. Halfway through, I wrote a significant portion of the text in one go, only to find myself sick of it after repeated revisions. I decided to set it aside.

Finish it

When my 50th birthday approached, friends asked what I wanted for my birthday. I realised that what I truly wanted was to hold my book, Simply be curious, in my hands. This realisation reignited my determination. I knew that if I didn’t finish it now, it would never be finished. It had to be completed, imperfections and all, as a testament to my ability to finish it and bring it to life.

Make it yours

Staying true to myself was the most crucial part of this challenge. This journey was ultimately about trusting my own needs and desires. This book had to reflect my voice, my experiences, my way of telling the story, and my perspective. I refrained from sharing the content with anyone before printing because it was a personal quest. I didn’t want external opinions to dilute my vision and creative act. It was very important to me that the story was mine, unaltered by others’ well-meant thoughts and suggestions.

For the same reason, I didn’t share it with any publishers either. The book’s value was in what it meant to me, not in its potential commercial success. It was never about financial results. It was about capturing my passion and curiosity in my way for myself foremost – anything beyond that is a bonus.

However, towards the very end, I felt the urge to get others’ opinions and advice on which book cover to choose. I was very indecisive and thought it would be fun to see if one of the three options stood out to others. Opinions varied widely, highlighting the subjective nature of personal taste. My son’s advice stood out: “That is the one I prefer. However, mum, it is YOUR book.” This reinforced the fact that this book was mine and the only one who could decide was me.

My key takeaways for anyone considering writing a book

  • Make it clear why it’s important for you to write this book.
  • Write about something you love and are passionate about.
  • Stick to it, even when it gets tough.
  • Put it away for a period of time if needed, but don’t give up.
  • Set inspirational and achievable milestones.
  • Utilise tools to help you get stuff done.
  • Ensure it remains your story, true to your voice and style.
  • Eventually decide that it’s good enough to bring to life.
  • Celebrate your achievements.

Digital tools that helped my productivity

  • Miro: For structuring ideas into a cohesive mood board.
  • Google Docs: For writing, structuring, and proofreading.
  • ChatGPT: To help formulate my thoughts into well-structured and correct English.
  • Adobe Illustrator: For drawing the illustrations and book cover.
  • Adobe InDesign: For laying out the book content.

Final thoughts

Remember, perfection is an illusion. At some point, you have to decide that your work is good enough and take the leap. If you wait too long, you run the risk of feeling that it doesn’t seem relevant to yourself anymore. You are already onto your next quest, and that first quest never got finished. Even though it might not be as perfect as you would want it to be, be proud of what you’ve accomplished – the act itself is a mission worth celebrating.

Simply be curious book is meant to be a book that you read once from start to end, and then keep reading the various chapters over and over again. Each morning, pick a chapter that you feel drawn to, read it, reflect on it, and go out into the world and practise it one baby step at a time. The next day, you might feel drawn to the title of another chapter. Make use of the blank pages to scribble down your thoughts and reflections. Make it a joyful journey, where each day you grow by stepping out of your comfort zone one baby step at a time.

Simply be curious is now available for purchase. Invest in your own growth by buying the book, absorb it, and let it inspire you. If you enjoy it, share it with a friend who you think would benefit from it. This world needs more curious creators, and the more we are, the bigger impact we collectively make.

And last but not least, having completed this journey of finishing a book, I want to acknowledge all authors. Your dedication and effort to bring life to your creative endeavours is truly commendable. It’s for sure a challenging quest, but the pride you feel once you realise that you’ve managed to complete it is truly worth the investment.

#Simplybecurious, together we make an impact that matters.

Writing a book is a journey through self-discovery, perseverance, and the joy of creating something meaningful from the chaos of ideas.

Wiveka Göransson

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