Curious Creator quiz

Discover where you stand on the curiosity ladder.

Curiosity can take many forms and often varies depending on the context you’re in – whether at work, in relationships, or during moments of self-reflection. To get the most from this quiz, focus on an area of your life where you feel your curiosity may be lacking or where its absence holds you back.

The curiosity ladder is a framework that identifies six stages of curiosity:

  • Curiouslessness: You rarely feel the urge to explore new things.
  • Curious by conformity: You explore because it’s expected or others are doing it.
  • Curious by achievement: Your curiosity is motivated by achieving goals or recognition.
  • Curious by reflection: You reflect on new perspectives and your experiences to deepen your understanding.
  • Curious by purpose: You align your curiosity with your broader life mission and values.
  • Curious by authenticity: Your curiosity is an essential part of expressing your true self.
How curious are you?

Each question will help you explore where you currently stand on the curiosity ladder. Answer them honestly, focusing on a specific area of your life, and you’ll gain insight into where your curiosity thrives and where it might need a little more encouragement.

Discover your curiosity stage

Curiosity is a journey, and wherever you land on the Curiosity Ladder, there’s always room to grow and explore more. If learning about these six stages has sparked your curiosity, there’s so much more to discover.

You can dive deeper into each stage and find practical ways to enhance your curiosity in Simply be curious, the book that guides you through unlocking the power of curiosity in everyday life:

Simply be curious book
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