Growth Mindset

Steer your professional relevance.

Steering your way ahead in professional relevance?

Steering your way ahead in professional relevance? In today’s rapidly evolving professional landscape, one crucial question stands out: who’s steering your relevance? Are you simply coasting on past achievements, or are you actively riding the bends and turns of change, ensuring you remain essential in the future? More than just speed Being relevant isn’t merely […]

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Sustainable success.

Curiosity is key to success.

Curiosity is key to success. Curiosity is a quality and a vital driving force for sustainable success and growth. Being curious means being open to new ideas, asking questions, and actively exploring to find answers. It’s about having a hunger for knowledge, a willingness to learn, and constantly challenging established ways of thinking and acting.

Curiosity is key to success. Read More »

Own your information intake.

Own your information intake.

Own your information intake. Can you feel it too? The overwhelming surge of information that bombards us daily, pushing our minds to the brink of overload. It’s as if my brain is a pressure cooker, ready to explode from the strain. There comes a point when I cannot absorb even a single additional piece of

Own your information intake. Read More »

Take a break, you deserve it.

Take a break, you deserve it.

Take a break, you deserve it. In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to forget the value of pausing and recharging. But taking a break is essential for your well-being and personal growth. It’s during these moments of rest that your mind will wander, creativity will flourish, and new perspectives will emerge. By

Take a break, you deserve it. Read More »


21st century – the era of inclusivity.

21st century – the era of inclusivity. “Loneliness increases our risk of heart disease, cancer, and dementia. Statistically, it’s as bad for our health as smoking fifteen cigarettes a day. It’s also an economic crisis, costing us billions annually, and a political crisis, fuelling divisiveness and extremism,” as described in the brilliant and thought provoking

21st century – the era of inclusivity. Read More »

Whose approval are you waiting for?

Whose approval are you waiting for?

Whose approval are you waiting for? It’s tempting to seek approval from those around us when making decisions. It’s reassuring when everyone agrees it’s a good idea. However, this is often not the case, especially when it comes to brave decisions that involve high risks. Taking risks is a part of life’s adventure, and sometimes

Whose approval are you waiting for? Read More »

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